Woke up really early that morning at 5.15 am just to have breakfast at 5.20 am - a Gardenia's anchovies bread with a glass of full cream milk. Then at 6 am I took a shower and left home at 6.25 am. The race that suppose to start at 7.00 am but delay to 7.13 am, and believe that the people at the back side singing "why are we waiting~" haha....
Then at 7.13 am, the race begun. I started pretty well, not to speed up because I know that would be a mistake i I do so. I just have to maintain the pace as long as I can. Now, my pace is 5mins/km and not consistent for 1 hour, so I need to improve that. This race (12km) is a two laps race, at first, there is going up the hill (not that tough) then we run down the hill for about 1 km straight and I was thing is this that easy? At that time I forgot that this is "lap racing", and then when I arrived at the checkpoint and make a turn back, and hell yah, the going up hill like real crazy! However, when I was at about 3 km, the Kenyan already at their 4 to 5 km, and when I was about 1.5 km more to the turn back checkpoint, the Kenyan have been there about 5 minutes ago. This is like between Nissan Skyline with Perodua Kelisa. haha!
At 5.5 km, I have problem that I really never had in the race - side stitch! Urgh! So unbelievable, it just 5.5 km, half more... Then I just stop running a while and do the stomach breathing, I read this on the runnersworld story and it helps. Later, i started running again and with the slower pace. The adidas king of the road race on august 2008, I just walk once to take a deep breath and starts running back, but for this Malakoff 12km race, i think i had stop for 4 or 5 times. haha. But, I have finished it in 1 hour 05 minutes 14 seconds (1:05':14"). That would satisfied me, especially I'm just a beginner. :)
And from this race, I'd made my mind, I wont be out for 20 km race this 18th jan 2009 as I know I won't be ready enough.
Looking forward for next year run and my target is 20 km race and improve my pace to 4.5 min/km.. Oh, not to forget the other target - to invite my friend join the race... hehe..

with two of the runners club members
me - 1:05':14"
edan - 46':54"
firdaus - 51':20"
nazrul - 1:04':00"
rilexx bro...
yang penting kite kene yakin boleh...
20km tue ko mesti boleh...
janji ko kene yakin...
bile ko yakin...
sakit sume belakang kire...
bnyk mase lagi beb...
aku mula2 msuk 20km mcm tu jgk..
tp kurang2 kne jog ari2..
30minit pon okey..
Happy new Year bro!
training consisten..
salam...jeles ni...lari tak ajak org... ;c
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